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Monday, December 1, 2008


Terry Olsen presented a masterplan for the neighborhood that built on a variety of ideas that emerged from the brainstorming session. She saw an opportunity for Maria to become a smaller
scale version of Grand Avenue. Retail/coffee shop/wine bar/café development at the west end of Maria would connect the Metro State campus to the neighborhood. These venues could host poetry readings and live music giving opportunities for "cross pollination." Commuter students would likely linger longer in the neighborhood, spending money locally and mingling with embers
of the community. A crosswalk would be provided at Sixth Street and Maria for the safety of the students. She observed that there were also missing pedestrian connections to the neighborhood at Third and Seventh Streets. Terry suggested expanding the public realm along the bluff with pervious pavers in the cul de sacs and streets that approach them. She also suggested a Gateway at the southeast corner of the neighborhood and other identity devices such as lighting and signage.

Diane Trout-Oertel suggested that the bluff could be developed into a linear park that links
Metro State’s campus on the west to the Kellogg Street Bridge at the southeast corner of
the neighborhood. The bridge, which connects the neighborhood to downtown Saint Paul,
could be enhanced and developed into a pedestrian-friendly, bicycle-friendly mass-transit access
to downtown. Streetscape improvements could include special paving, decorative light
fixtures and plantings. Under this scenario, the bridge would be closed to truck traffic, which
would be diverted via Mounds Blvd. to the nearby 7th Street access to downtown. Bike lanes would be provided in both directions and sidewalks would be widened. Automobile traffic could be reduced to a single lane, which would likely require some improvements to 7th Street, which would now become the primary automobile access to downtown from Dayton’s Bluff. She also recommended that the City purchase property adjacent to the linear park along the bluff, widening this green space so that it could accommodate more activity.

Ken Koense presented a series of overlaid mapping studies that analyzed the mix of current uses
in the neighborhood. He suggested that the current mix of single family, multifamily and services
is a positive feature of the neighborhood. He recommended encouraging the mix of uses because
it suits modern lifestyles. Increasingly, urban families want to have restaurants and stores within walking distance. Ken saw a need for increased services in the neighborhood, better connections between services and residential properties, and traffic control devices aimed at safer street crossings.

Ted Lentz suggested building on the neighborhood’s considerable assets. He presented a plan
that identified several pivotal structures that have architectural merit in their own right and many others that contribute to the historic fabric of the neighborhood. He suggested that developers be made aware of the irreplaceable architectural details that make many of the houses in the neighborhood worthy candidates for restoration. He also recommended increasing the public’s awareness and the resident’s pride in these assets. Based on past experience in other historic neighborhoods, these strategies would create an energy that would spark owner improvements and boost real estate value in the area. As improvements are completed by property owners, their successes should be celebrated.

Todd Rhoades presented several drawings that mapped a variety of strategies for enhancing the
neighborhood including making a connection to the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, capitalizing on the presence of the bluff and encouraging green development throughout the area. He envisions Maria Street as the heart of the community and recommended special streetscape improvements. Todd observed that the community already has good boundaries and saw potential for strengthening these edges. He suggested marking the four corners of the neighborhood to further emphasize neighborhood’s identity. He pointed out that the neighborhood has the advantage of several good "urban windows," which could be emphasized. Todd presented options for dealing with the shortage of garages, including tandem garages and tuck-under garages which take advantage of the area’s steep topography.


Erin McKiel felt that Fourth Street and Maria Avenue is the center of the neighborhood and suggested creating a major node at this intersection as well as minor nodes at other intersections. She recommended enhancing intersections with benches, landscaping and signage. Other neighborhood beautification strategies could include a program to stimulate owner improvement of front porches and yards. Existing themes should be reinforced. For example, many existing stone walls form terraces between properties along Third, Fourth and Fifth Streets, which slope dramatically from east to west. Building additional stone walls would strengthen the identity of the area. Other opportunities related to the area’s steep topography should be taken advantage of. Fourth and Fifth Streets have excellent views toward the bluff and the downtown beyond, which should be emphasized. Erin pointed out that the neighborhood already enjoys
tree-lined streets; which could be infilled and pruned to form arches that frame these views.


John Yust advocated taking advantage of the magnificent views from the bluff by utilizing the rooftops of buildings on both sides of Third Street and on the east side of Sixth Street, across from Metro State University. Here, where some two and three flat-roofed story buildings step down the hill, a series of roof terraces could be developed. Venues such as coffee shops and other gathering places could serve up views of downtown and the river valley. Decorative lighting
could lend ambiance to these establishment and create a sense of place. Fourth and Fifth Streets
could also take better advantage of views from the bluff by developing the existing cul de sacs into landscaped overlooks. John also suggested creating gateways to Dayton’s Bluff where Seventh and Third streets enter Dayton’s Bluff from downtown.

Joel Odens concluded that Fourth and Fifth Streets are the main east/west pedestrian
routes. These pathways terminate in the two cul-de-sac’s that overlook the bluff which is
to become a newly defined green space developed as a park and community garden space. Sustainability could be addressed in the green space with permeable pavements, rainwater gardens and exposed storm water channels. This would be in combination with native plant species and interpretive signage to help visitors understand what they are looking at. The prominent white house overlooking the bluff could be converted into a community center or a venue for an other non-profit use, perhaps in partnership with Metro State College or an other institution. The community gardens could be relocated to this area, possibly through a land swap with current property owners. One block to the east running north/south, Maria could become a mixed use corridor with retail/commercial on the street level and housing above. Joel recommended that Maria and possibly 3rd Street have traffic calming measures such as bump-outs, raised intersections and alternative pavements to help identify and enhance the pedestrian crossings and to create a safer pedestrian experience.


Steve Goltry suggested locating a multi-purpose shelter on the bluff at the end of Fourth
Street which could serve several purposes. The structure could be a view shed overlooking
downtown with interpretive components; it could also be a place to tell children stories, a place
to sit, to have a picnic or meet. Sensitively sited and well designed, it would be a segue to
proceed to other areas such as the bike/walkway along the bluff and connect the blocks. The
structure’s architectural details could recall and respond to the area’s historic homes and structures capturing "the personality" of Dayton’s Bluff. Though expensive if executed properly,
the cost of the structure would be a good value as it would bring to the neighborhood "a sense of place" and serve to demonstrate Dayton’s Bluff is changing! Used and seen by many, the shelter should be accessible to all, including handicapped, seniors and young mothers w/ strollers. Key features of the shelter might include both functional and architectural lighting, drinking fountains, benches, possibly tables, sculpture and a well designed hardscape, with special paving patterns for walkways, bike racks, and seating areas.

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